Release Date: November 22, 2024

       WILMINGTON, VT   WILMINGTON: The MOOver is offering winter season sponsorships to individuals, families, or companies who wish to have their name put on a bus this winter.

            For a $300 donation a sponsor can name the bus and have their last name and hometown applied to a 12” x 12” placard mounted on the side of the bus next to the entry door. Sponsors can pick from among 11 winter season routes. Sponsorships are sold on a first-come, first served basis.

            The format language reads, for example, “Bessie” is sponsored by the XYZ family of Holbrook, Mass. The routes available to sponsor are Greenspring 1, 2 & 3; Timber Creek 1 & 2; Bears Crossing/Suntec; Kingswood; Mount Snow 1A 1 & 2; and Wilmington-West Dover AM & PM.  The placards will be in use until April 6th or whenever the route ends, whichever comes first.

            The MOOver has an advertising ethics policy that applies to this program. Companies promoting alcohol or drug products, for example are not allowed.

            To learn more and/or to buy a sponsorship e-mail